House of Lies

House of Lies = House of Litigation

House of Lies = House of Litigation 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

So I had to keep watching Showtime’s House of Lies to see what happened with Marty Kaan’s threats to open his own consulting firm in LA, in competition with his long time employer Galweather Stern. And maybe I also had to keep watching because I think Kristen Bell’s character has…

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Finding truth in a House of Lies subplot

Finding truth in a House of Lies subplot 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Admittedly, I am late to the dance. As usual. I just watched my first episode of Showtime’s House of Lies this past weekend. I think I started with Season 1 or 2 – where Marty and the gang of super dressed consultants learn their firm has just been sold to…

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